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  • 12 point Times New Roman font

  • Length: 1 full- page

  • Keep design flair to a minimum

  • Right-align all dates to show timeframe of work length and experience


  • Include first name, last name, phone number, and email address at the very least

  • A physical (postal) address is optional.  However, some employers like to see that applicants have local addresses

  • Add your LinkedIn profile address (optional) and create a shortened LinkedIn URL  -


Organize your résumé into sections based on application/job posting.  As a general rule, be sure to include Education, Professional Skills, Professional/Work Experience, and Leadership Experience. 


  • This section should include: degree (e.g. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Finance), college (Stonehill College), expected graduation date, and cumulative GPA. 

  • Avoid putting details about high school or prior school attendance

  • You can also list names of scholarship(s) that you have received


  • Highlight points from the job/scholarship/position description for this section. 

  • Be prepared to demonstrate your work and academic experience based on skills you have listed.

  • Be Specific.  Don’t simply say you are “Proficient in Microsoft Office.”  The entire Microsoft Office suite consists of over 10 applications.  Unless you’ve mastered all of them, pick and choose one or two to highlight that are relevant to the position/description.


  • This section includes paid/unpaid jobs and internships.

  • Include: title/role of position, Company name, Location (City, ST), and MM/YY.

  • Quantify all points – “organized a dinner for 500+ club members” is more effective than “organized a club dinner”

  • Use the STAR format for each bullet point

    • description of the situation

    • description of task at hand

    • action you took

    • result of above action

  • These sections should be formatted in the same way, except this details clubs, organizations, community service and related volunteer experience. 

  • Include: title/role, Event/Club/Organization name, Location (City,ST), and MM/YY

  • Quantify your points; list hours worked for volunteer/community service

  • Use the STAR format for each bullet point 

Please visit the Kruse Center and book a time to go over your resume with one of our resume professionals.

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